Below are submissions from visitors of all ages!
Some from the USA, some from much further away.
We hope more rhymes will come, to make our site happily humm.
Add text to an image to build your card. Brighten a day, it's not too hard.
Thanks all who contribute and share. Your words, like hugs, reflect love and care.
Your visit on this lovely day, has helped us help nature in a positive way.
I see your face in the rising sun,
In the splendour of the sickled moon,
In cloudy skies when all is glum,
And in the evening a deep maroon.
I hear your voice at morning call
In the loud murmurings of the hen,
So how can I get you withal
When eyeing the peacock's diadem?
I see you smile when starlings natter,
And all forlorn when foxes die,
Lighting up as raindrops spatter,
Showering the fields of oat and rye.
You are the flowers, the trees on Earth,
The stars and comets are brethren,
Spreading happy tidings of mirth,
You are everywhere, even in Heaven.
Whats better than two lovers getting married?
When those two lovers are friends,
And may Life's lithe waters, strong and rapid,
Take you to where the river bends,
To where despair ends and laughter begins:
Where death can no longer destroy-
Where Stars stretch wide their solar grins
In an everlasting universe of joy.
What's better than two lovers getting married?
When the marriage it lasts forever,
When a chance once taken is never parried,
And a couple so in lover remain together,
When even in death it remains as valid:
Two spirits strengtened by Love's endeavour.
It's funny how the howling storm
Can be pierced by an orient ray,
Shining down to browse the corn
And enlighten the rain-soaked day:
And that is what you are to me-
A ray of sunshine from the East,
A glowing light to ease and free,
A gift from Heaven, newly leased.
If I was lost in a vale of sadness,
Then you would be bringing joy,
Keeping my spirit elate with gladness,
Ensuring that no tears destroy;
And so I cannot help but think of you
Since the day you made me smile.
Each hour - each minute - I muse on you,
And dream and dream all the while.
I would give a rose to you,
one kissed by sun and morning dew,
to show you what you mean to me
and how your love has set me free.
I would give a rose of red
to show you how my heart has bled
with ruby drops of pain and then,
with drops of love I found again.
A yellow rose I'd give to you
to show you how my dreams came true,
dreams worth more than all the gold
that treasure chests could ever hold.
A rose of white, like pale moonlight,
the way your love lights up the night
then paints the day with purest bliss,
I'd give to you and then, a kiss.
The rose of pink I'd save 'til last.
It's fragrance wipes away the past
and writes anew upon the slate.
Your love for me was meant by fate.
Yes, I would give a rose to you
to show you that my love is true.
To show you that my love will stay,
I'd give to you the whole bouquet!
As my heart beats,
Every second I leap,
With grace and love.
As the stars shine above,
I render my kiss to you,
Because I love you
And you love me to.
L-stands for love.
O-stands for overly happy.
V-stands for Valentine.
E-stands for the word evercaring.
The earth may crumble.
The sea may dry.
Bears will hug and birds will cry.
But through the sorrow and the fear,
You are the one that will always be NEAR.
Is there such a thing as true and lasting love?
Or the fairy tale happiness you've been dreaming of?
Will someone ever love you in a deep and caring way?
Be by your side and cherish you, come whatever may?
You want to be valued, loved, and adored
And give all the love your heart can afford
Sometimes you feel afraid to open up your heart
Sometimes you try to fight love's exciting start
Will you ever feel that closeness? that oneness you desire?
That natural, cozy feeling of life and love entire
You crave the love that gives your heart a never ending smile
That makes life's pain and heartache suddenly worthwhile
You long for the love that helps you to be a better you
That puts a sparkle in your eyes, excites you through and through
You feel your heart yearning, aching for something more
A love so deep and sincere is what you're hoping for
Sweet nothings, tender words, close emotional touch
This love you build and strengthen; this love you need so much
You want a love that's playful... fun and makes you laugh
The kind that gives you comfort... like a special photograph
Your true selves is what this love allows you both to be
Feeling safe, secure, and happy.... confident, carefree
Acceptance, assurance, forgiveness, and trust
Passion and romance always a must
Honesty, tenderness, encouragement too
Showing respect in all that you do
Your feelings, thoughts, desires, and goals
Become a treasured part of the partner you chose
What about the struggles, heartache, pain and tears?
Problems, disappointments, challenges and fears?
Does this love have the strength and commitment enough
To overcome these trials when marriage and life gets tough?
You feel it a privilege to love, an honor to know
That you'll be together as you live, love and grow
You must risk your tender heart, take a hopeful stance
You can't find that perfect love if you do not take the chance
So trust your heart and hope for love's true lasting light
Forsake your pride, forget the past, and feel with all your might
You know this love can be; You see it clearly in your mind
There is no doubt, this fairy tale, someday soon you'll find.
Coils of connection.
Links of spirit that defy distance.
Thought unfettered by obstacles of language.
Contact of this kind continues through silences.
Touch is as much mental as physical.
An embrace can span the miles.
I am holding you in love.
Touching your cherished face.
Please join me in this ribbon of spirit.
Piece by piece
You peel away
The calloused layers of emotion,
Which I have built up over the years.
Slowly, gently
You remove the masks
Which hide me from the world,
Exposing me to the light,
Forcing me to trust you.
One by one
I drop the screens
I hold before my mind.
Until finally I stand before you
In naked truth,
And still you do not turn away.
This, then, is love.
We were taught that Cinderella's prince
Was good and true.
But did he not adore her
Simply for her golden shoe?
Snow White, preserved in fairest state,
Did catch the noble eye.
But, oh, to find the truest love...
Must one have to die?!
Rapunzel's prince was dashing, daring,
Dear in every manner.
But of all the times he climbed her hair,
He ne'er thought of a ladder!
Would we all were slumb'ring beauties,
Peacefully asleep,
Dreaming of the princes fair who
Briared-walls o'erleap.
And when they find us
All serene, and wake us
With a kiss,
The kiss thus made must never fade,
But bring us
Right love's bliss.
va voom baby va voom !
in my heart there will always be plenty of room
va voom baby va voom!
i need to know
can i be your groom?
va voom baby va voom!
if not i'm doom
for your love makes me go
va voom baby va voom! ! !
Be my very special Valentine.
So I can win your heart as you've won mine.
And then throughout the rest of time.
You will always be my Valentine.
With all of my Love, and all of my heart
From February 14th till death do us part
I swear to Love, Respect, and Treat you
With a passion that never dissipates or leaves you
With any kind of thought that you aren't special
Because your the only person in my life that is on my level
Who complements me perfectly in every single sense
Who can put me in a good mood when life gets tense
I'm sure through the next few years we will have our trials
But with a Love like ours we will go the extra miles
And finish our journeys united at one path
Even if the years left ahead require a little math
Baby I Love you so much, I can just lose control
Your eyes, your smile, your sweetness as a whole
You are the center of my life, my soul-mate for sure
Sometimes I question the reality of a Love this pure
So please accept this poem as a promise from my heart
That on this Valentines day we will never grow apart
As long as I have you in my heart and by my side
I will do everything to make you happy and provide
A meaningful relationship that will be well worth our time
Baby I know I'm not St. Valentine, but will you be mine!
When I met you,
I liked you,
When I liked you,
I kissed you,
When I kissed you,
I loved you,
And when I loved you,
I lost you.
Love in any language
Straight from the heart
Pulls us all together
Never apart
And once we learn to speak it
All the world will hear
Love in any language
Fluently spoken here!
Soon it is Valentines Day,
Where people give flowers away,
Feelings from the heart,
Make me wish we won't part,
There's those three words I wish you would say!
My thoughts of you r endless
like the love i have for u
love forever blossoming
be it gay or even sullen.
They come to me like a whisper
in the night
soft kisses trace my lips
fingertips caress my skin
My thoughts of you are endless
like the love I have for you
love forever blossoming
be it gay or even sullen.
They come to me like a whisper
in the night
soft kisses trace my lips
fingertips caress my skin
Through the rustle of silk sheets
i hear the delicate whisper of my name
but the wind carries it above
up into my small and fragile heart
the gift of love-
that someday
you and i shall never be apart
You, that ray of light
that creeps into my dark world
will diminish those dark
and lonely nights
and replace them with brighter days
that shall never cease
just like the love i have for you
I think of you
whenever I see
the birds outside
at play and free
and I smile.
They never ask
for the care you give.
But seeing them there
you'd know their joy
because someone cares.
Like those birds
who feel your love,
I too am happy
for the care you give.
And for the birds,
dependent on you,
and for myself
who loves you so
we thank you
for the care you give,
unselfish and so gentle,
because we know
someone who cares.
Your eyes made my soul tremble with love
Like the dance of the stars in the heavens above
I knew the moment we met it was true
It was a passionate love that I felt for you
I longed for you always when we were apart
And I knew what I felt deep in my heart
Time hasn't changed my hopes and desires
Finding you now has kindled the fires
I hope and I pray that we can be one
As is the moon with the setting sun
Shedding new light on each other's life
As we could do as Husband and Wife.
Roses are blue
Violets are blue
Only when I'm not with you
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Boy am I ever stuck with you.
I just want you to know,
whatever is going to happen to you,
wherever your choices are going to lead your path, parts of me will always be with you
I love you so much, though I'd never kissed you I love you so much, though we barely had the time to talk
I love you for what you are,
for what you thought you will never be
I love you because I saw your soul
Though I'm desperate to touch you,
hold you in my arms,
I will let you go,
if it would tear you apart
Though I wished, I could be part of your life, I can hear your voice in my heart and mind
And If I had to leave you,
I will carry the blessing of knowing you with me on my way -
Broken on the shore I lay
Pounded by relentless surf.
Hoping, praying soon you may
Find me on this wide blue Earth.
I call to you with all my might,
I wonder if perhaps you hear.
My searching eyes yearn for the sight
Of your true love drawing near.
I lay and wait, for without fail,
This broken, battered, empty soul
Once again on love will sail
When you are here and make me whole.
He is a light when I am alone in the dark. His Hand fits perfectly in mine.
He is a blanket when I am left out in the cold. His arms fit perfectly around me.
He brings a warmth that touches every part of my heart. His heart fits perfectly next to mine.
He is imperfect in the most perfect ways. He is the puzzle piece that fills my life perfectly. He has my care, my dreams, my love, and my heart.
When i'm lost ,
you helped me find my way .
all the time ,
everyday .
I Turn to you
When i'm scared,
you're there to comfort me ,
to let me know that everything will be alright , everyday and every night .
I turn to you
you help me through thick and thin ,
to lose to win ,
to shelter me with your arms
to give me your heart
I Turn To You ......
Love your world! Protect our planet!
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