Throughout his career in the fine arts, Norman Browne has consistently used organic forms in his visual imagery. Most of his interest has been with texture, color and detail in fairly flat, plain space, though he occasionally portrays deep space in his work.
His favored drawing medium is scratchboard, yet in painting he generally works in gouache, watercolor and acrylic.
Browne's training in art, biology and bio-medical illustration includes the University of California at Berkeley and Davis, San Francisco State University, Washington State University, Arizona State University and Indiana University. At present, he is retiring as a Professor of Art at the University of Texas-Pan American where he has taught for 26 years. Formerly, he taught at California State University at Hayward, Northern Arizona University and Indiana University. He has also been employed as a free lance bio-medical illustrator.
Dr. Browne has a deep concern and appreciation for the natural environment. He feels that without a positive outcome in the ecological balance and the preservation of our environment, mankind's other concerns are of little significance. When dealing with sub-visual (microscopic) forms or landscapes, his emphasis is on ecology. His current work reflects this intense interest, as he creates fish by combining metallic leaf with acrylic, over-painted on clay-board, which he has incised intricately to produce a textured relief to his paintings.
Norman Browne's art has been represented in international, national and regional art competitions over the last thirty-five years. His first one-man show was in San Francisco, CA at the Little Gallery in 1957. Current gallery affiliations include:
Fine art prints from Norman Browne originals are under contract with Art in Motion, Inc. of Vancouver, British Columbia and have international distribution. His most recent illustrated books (Botany) were published in 1991, 1993 and 1994.
Dr. Browne's paintings, drawings, and photographs are in collections worldwide. Owners of his originals include actor/director Robert Redford, the Walton family of the Wal-Mart Corporation, as well as prominent bamboo fly rod makers, James Schaff and Douglas Kulick. His painting of the Guadalupe bass (the state fish of Texas) was featured in the May 1997 issue of Texas Parks and Wildlife Magazine.
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