Jason Flanders was born and raised in Waterbury, VT, USA - home of Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream! Jason has a B.S. in Accounting with a minor in Economics.
"Photography is something that I grew up around, my father is the type of guy who travels around with his camera loaded... just in case. I use photography as a 'release' from stress. There's nothing quite like taking a weekend off just to shoot photos."
Jason prefers to shoot nature photos, although he has "a certain attraction to Macro photography." You can find some of Jason's personal favorites at E-Cards, including a shot of a breaching whale, taken on a whale watch in Gloucester, MA, USA; and a porcupine he found bumbling through a field one autumn morning while taking foliage photos in Cabot, VT.
"I like to use my photos as gifts; I have only sold one for compensation. It's definitely not the money that interests me. For me, it's about taking a photo that will make people feel good about nature and beauty that can be found in your own back yard."
Bo-bo the Gorilla
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