A third generation Californian, Carol Afshar was born in San Francisco. As an army brat, she traveled and lived in many parts of the world. Upon her return to the Bay Area, she enrolled at San Francisco State University and majored in Communication. Once again destiny deemed that she travel, and Carol moved to Iran, where she lived for 10 years, while working for for Iranian Television. When Iran erupted in revolution in 1979, Carol and her family relocated to Los Angeles.
"No matter what direction my life has taken, I have always made sure I had a camera(s) along for the trek. The more time I spend outdoors, interacting with nature and observing the many wonders of Mother Earth, the stronger I feel that we must work to protect and preserve our environment for ourselves and future generations."
Carol's pictures are featured as greeting cards, published on calendars and are also available as prints.
Bad Feather Day (Snowy Egret)
Love your world! Protect our planet!
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